Interface CacheSignature

All Known Subinterfaces:
Allele, Basic, Environment, FitnessEngine, Gene, Genes, Genome, Genotype, Phenotype, TraitMap
All Known Implementing Classes:
Allele_, Allele_Binary, Allele_Dominance, Allele_Number, Allele_Sex, Environment_, Environment_Muirian, Environment_PepperedMoth, Environment_Susceptible, Environment_TS, FitnessEngine_, FitnessEngine_PepperedMoth, FitnessEngine_Simple, FitnessEngine_TS, Gene_, Gene_Diploid, Gene_Haploid, Genome_, Genome_Linear, Genotype_, Phenotype_, Phenotype_Dawkinsian, Phenotype_TS, TraitMap_, TraitMap_ReadOnly

public interface CacheSignature

Interface to define the notion of a cache key signature. See getSignature() for more detail.

Robin Hillyard

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getSignature()

Method Detail


java.lang.String getSignature()
a "signature" for this object which can be used to form part of a cache key. The signature is similar in a sense to the hash code but typically, it is based more on mutable components of an object than is the hash code.

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