Uses of Interface

Packages that use CacheSignature








Peppered Moth Example 


Traveling Salesman Example 


Uses of CacheSignature in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment that implement CacheSignature
 class Environment_
          Abstract class defining base methods which implement Environment interface.
 class Environment_Susceptible
          Abstract class for an Environment which is Susceptible to extended-phenotype-invoked changes.
 class Phenotype_
          Abstract class to define the base methods and fields for an implementation of Phenotype.
 class Phenotype_Dawkinsian
           Lifespan: transient.
 class TraitMap_
          Abstract class to define base methods and fields for a String-keyed map of Variant objects.
 class TraitMap_ReadOnly

Uses of CacheSignature in

Classes in that implement CacheSignature
 class FitnessEngine_
          Defines the base methods and fields for an implementation of FitnessEngine interface.
 class FitnessEngine_Simple
          Default implementation of FitnessEngine interface.

Uses of CacheSignature in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics that implement CacheSignature
 class Allele_
           This abstract provides base operations for implementations of Allele, which are specific, competing genes which may appear at a Locus.
 class Allele_Binary
          Abstract type of allele which has two values, based on a boolean.
 class Allele_Dominance
          Lifespan: permanent.
 class Allele_Sex
          Unlike Allele_Dominance, which uses upper and lower case to denote dominance, the two different alleles of the Allele_Sex type are "Y" and "X" for male and female, respectively.
 class Gene_
           This abstract class represents a particular gene at a locus of a genome.
 class Gene_Diploid
          Lifespan: transient.
 class Gene_Haploid
          Lifespan: transient.
 class Genome_
           This abstract class provides base definitions for implementers of Genome, the genetic information contained in an Organism belonging to a Taxon.
 class Genome_Linear
          Lifespan: transient.
 class Genotype_
           This abstract class provides base definitions for implementers of Genome, the genetic information contained in an Organism belonging to a Taxon.

Uses of CacheSignature in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper

Subinterfaces of CacheSignature in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper
 interface Allele
          Models the concept of an Allele, that is to say a specific instance of a Genes which "compete" for presence at a Locus
 interface Basic
 interface Environment
          Defines the concept of an Environment, modeled as a map of EcoFactor objects.
 interface FitnessEngine
           Registry for fitness functions for Taxon (Evolutionary Computation) Systems.
 interface Gene
           Defines the operations and properties of a Gene.
 interface Genes
          This interface represents the read-only aspects of (possibly a subset of) a Genome, although the Ploidy is not included here.
 interface Genome
           Defines the genetic information contained in an Organism belonging to a Taxon.
 interface Genotype
          A Genotype is a (diploid or haploid) set of genes which can be manipulated.
 interface Phenotype
           Defines the methods supported by instances of Phenotype interface.
 interface TraitMap
          Defines the operations on a read-only collection of Trait instances.

Uses of CacheSignature in

Classes in that implement CacheSignature
 class Environment_Muirian
           Lifespan: permanent.

Uses of CacheSignature in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth that implement CacheSignature
 class Environment_PepperedMoth
           This class provides an implementation of the Environment interface for the peppered moth example.
 class FitnessEngine_PepperedMoth
          Fitness engine for the peppered moth.

Uses of CacheSignature in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that implement CacheSignature
 class Allele_Number
          This class is at the heart of the solution to the traveling salesman problem.
 class Environment_TS
 class FitnessEngine_TS
 class Phenotype_TS

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