Uses of Interface

Packages that use Visualizable






Peppered Moth Example 


Traveling Salesman Example   

Display Package 


Display Package 


Uses of Visualizable in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment that implement Visualizable
 class Environment_
          Abstract class defining base methods which implement Environment interface.
 class Environment_Susceptible
          Abstract class for an Environment which is Susceptible to extended-phenotype-invoked changes.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment that return Visualizable
 Visualizable EcoFactor_Number.getVisualizable()
 Visualizable EcoFactor_.getVisualizable()

Uses of Visualizable in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics with parameters of type Visualizable
 void Genome_.environmentChanged(Visualizable visualizable)
          Flush the cached phenotype for this genome/population combination.

Uses of Visualizable in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper

Subinterfaces of Visualizable in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper
 interface Colony
          This super-interface of Population addresses the more basic aspects of an Evolvable, Visualizable and Countable group.
 interface Environment
          Defines the concept of an Environment, modeled as a map of EcoFactor objects.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with parameters of type Visualizable
 void Genome.environmentChanged(Visualizable colony)
          Flush the cached phenotype for this genome/colony combination.

Uses of Visualizable in

Classes in that implement Visualizable
 class Colony_
 class Colony_Mayrian
          Default implementation of a Colony.
 class Environment_Muirian
           Lifespan: permanent.
 class Population_
          Abstract class defining the base methods and fields for an instance of the Population interface.
 class Population_Malthusian
           This concrete class is the default implementation of Population.
 class Population_Managed
          This abstract class is designed to be a base class for populations whose evolution is "managed".

Methods in that return Visualizable
 Visualizable Organism_.getVisualizable()

Methods in with parameters of type Visualizable
 void VisualizableListener_Census.onChange(Visualizable p, java.lang.Object context)
          Override the abstract method to deal with a change in the population.
protected  void Colony_.visualizableChanged(Visualizable source, java.lang.Object context)
          This method should be called whenever this population (or an environment) has changed, for example after seeding, or getting the next generation.

Uses of Visualizable in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth that implement Visualizable
 class Environment_PepperedMoth
           This class provides an implementation of the Environment interface for the peppered moth example.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth with parameters of type Visualizable
 void Visualization_PepperedMoth.onChange(Visualizable source, java.lang.Object context)
          if verbose, then we write out the current number of moths.

Uses of Visualizable in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that implement Visualizable
 class Environment_TS
 class Population_TS
          Population model for the Traveling Salesman

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman with parameters of type Visualizable
 void Visualization_TS.onChange(Visualizable source, java.lang.Object context)

Uses of Visualizable in

Methods in that return Visualizable
 Visualizable Individual.getVisualizable()

Methods in with parameters of type Visualizable
 void VisualizableListener.onChange(Visualizable source, java.lang.Object context)
          This method is a callback to notify the listener that a the source has changed and may need an update to the visual representaion.

Uses of Visualizable in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization with parameters of type Visualizable
 void VisualizationModel_.visualize(Visualizable visualizable, VisualizationFactory visualizationFactory)
 void VisualizationModel.visualize(Visualizable visualizable, VisualizationFactory visualizationFactory)

Constructors in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization with parameters of type Visualizable
VisualizationModel_Standard(Visualizable visualizable)
          Public constructor to create a visualization model for the given population.

Uses of Visualizable in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization.swing

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization.swing with parameters of type Visualizable
 void Visualization_VisualizableListener.onChange(Visualizable source, java.lang.Object context)
          This method loops through all the organisms in population p and, for each one, and, if it is not viable [either just born or newly dead], either removes the corresponding individual, or (providing that the age is 0) adds a newly created individual.
 void VisualizerTabs.visualize(Visualizable visualizable, Visualizer visualizer, VisualizationFactory visualizationFactory)

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