Package com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment

Interface Summary
ExpresserFunction Defines the operation which takes an Allele and generates a Trait.
NumericalTrait Defines how to get a numerical value for a trait.
Susceptible This interface defines a method which makes an Environment susceptible to change due to the extended phenotypes of organisms.

Class Summary
EcoFactor_ Abstract class providing base functionality for implementers of EcoFactor.
EcoFactor_Number This abstract implementer of EcoFactor represents an environmental factor with a double value.
EcoSystem The type holds a map of eco factors for an environment.
Environment_ Abstract class defining base methods which implement Environment interface.
Environment_Susceptible Abstract class for an Environment which is Susceptible to extended-phenotype-invoked changes.
EnvironmentChangeEvent This class defines a Runnable event which changes the value of an eco factor in an environment.
EnvironmentListener_ Abstract base class to implement EnvironmentListener.
ExPhen_ Base implementation of an extended phenotype.
ExPhen_Castor The default implementation of ExPhen, named in honor of the nature's engineer, the Beaver (genus Castor) which creates some of the largest extended phenotypes found in the animal kingdom, that is to say the lakes formed by Beaver dams (we humans create even bigger ones, like the Great Wall of China).
ExPhenFactory Factory Class to create ExPhen objects.
Expresser_ Base (abstract) implementation of Expresser.
Expresser_Direct This expresser is suitable for haploid genomes.
Expresser_Function This expresser is suitable for haploid genomes.
Pharacter_ Base implementation of Pharacter (a Phenotypic Character).
Pharacter_Fisherian Lifespan: permanent.
Pharacter_Sex Lifespan: permanent singleton.
Phenome_ Abstract class defining base methods and fields for implementations of Phenome interface.
Phenome_Gouldian Lifespan: permanent.
Phenome_Numerical Lifespan: permanent.
Phenotype_ Abstract class to define the base methods and fields for an implementation of Phenotype.
Phenotype_Dawkinsian Lifespan: transient.
PhenotypeFactory Factory Class to create Phenotype objects.
Trait_ Base implementation of Trait.
Trait_Discrete Lifespan: transient.
Trait_Variable Concrete implementation of Trait which is based on a variable value.
TraitFactory Factory Class to create Trait objects.
TraitMap_ Abstract class to define base methods and fields for a String-keyed map of Variant objects.
Variant_ This abstract class defines the base methods and fields for an implementation of Variant.
Variant_Basic Lifespan: permanent.
Variant_Numeric Numerical Variant.

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