Uses of Interface

Packages that use Individual




Peppered Moth Example 


Traveling Salesman Example   

Display Package 


Uses of Individual in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment that implement Individual
 class EcoFactor_
          Abstract class providing base functionality for implementers of EcoFactor.
 class EcoFactor_Humboldtian
 class EcoFactor_Number
           This abstract implementer of EcoFactor represents an environmental factor with a double value.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment that return types with arguments of type Individual
 java.util.Collection<Individual> Environment_.getIndividuals()

Uses of Individual in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper

Subinterfaces of Individual in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper
 interface EcoFactor
          Defines the methods supported by the EcoFactor interface.
 interface Mortal
          Interface to define the operations supported by a "mortal" object, i.e.
 interface Organism
           Defines methods on an individual organism within a Taxon.

Uses of Individual in

Classes in that implement Individual
 class Organism_
          Abstract class defining the base methods and fields of an implementation of Organism interface.
 class Organism_Asexual
           This concrete class represents an individual organism within a Taxon .
 class Organism_Sexual
           This concrete class represents an individual organism within a Taxon .

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Individual
 java.util.Collection<Individual> Population_.getIndividuals()
          TODO is this ever actually called? Maybe we don't need this method for Population.
 java.util.Collection<Individual> Colony_.getIndividuals()

Uses of Individual in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth that implement Individual
 class EcoFactor_SootDensity
          Class which extends EcoFactor_Number and which is specific to the soot density of the peppered moth example.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth with parameters of type Individual
 Avatar VisualizationFactory_PepperedMoth.makeAvatar(Individual individual, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> properties)
          XXX properties is unused.
 java.awt.Color VisualizationFactory_PepperedMoth.makeColor(Individual individual)
 java.awt.Point VisualizationFactory_PepperedMoth.makeLocation(Individual individual)

Uses of Individual in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that implement Individual
 class EcoFactor_Clients
          This eco factor represents the clients that currently need to be visited and their two-dimensional locations.
 class EcoFactor_TravelTimes
          This eco factor represents the travel times between various clients.
 class EcoFactor_TS
 class Organism_TS

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman with parameters of type Individual
 Avatar VisualizationFactory_TS.makeAvatar(Individual individual, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> properties)
 java.awt.Color VisualizationFactory_TS.makeColor(Individual individual)
 java.awt.Point VisualizationFactory_TS.makeLocation(Individual individual)

Uses of Individual in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Individual
 java.util.Collection<Individual> Visualizable.getIndividuals()

Uses of Individual in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization

Fields in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization with type parameters of type Individual
protected  java.util.Map<Individual,Avatar> VisualizationModel_._avatars

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization that return Individual
 Individual Avatar_.getIndividual()
 Individual Avatar.getIndividual()

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization with parameters of type Individual
 Avatar VisualizationModel_.findAvatar(Individual individual)
 Avatar VisualizationModel.findAvatar(Individual individual)
 Avatar VisualizationFactory.makeAvatar(Individual individual, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> properties)
          Method to create a new Avatar, based on an organism.
static Avatar AvatarFactory.makeAvatar(Individual individual, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Color color)
 java.awt.Color VisualizationFactory.makeColor(Individual individual)
          Method to determine a suitable color for visualizing the organism
 java.awt.Point VisualizationFactory.makeLocation(Individual individual)
          Method to determine a suitable location for visualizing the organism
static int VisualizationModel_.updateModel(VisualizationModel model, Individual individual, VisualizationFactory factory)
          XXX consider moving this to VisualizationModel (but beware architecture constraints).

Constructors in com.rubecula.darwin.visualization with parameters of type Individual
Avatar_(Individual individual)
          Protected constructor which creates a new instance of Avatar at the point [0,0] and with color black.
Avatar_(Individual individual, java.awt.Color color)
          Protected constructor which creates a new instance of Avatar at the point [0,0] and with given color.
Avatar_(Individual individual, java.awt.Point location)
          Protected constructor which creates a new instance of Avatar at the given point and with color black.
Avatar_(Individual individual, java.awt.Point location, java.awt.Color color)
          Protected constructor which creates a new instance of Avatar at the given point and with given color.

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