Uses of Interface

Packages that use Locus






Peppered Moth Example 


Traveling Salesman Example 


Uses of Locus in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment with parameters of type Locus
 java.lang.String Expresser_.getComplement(Locus locus, java.lang.String allele)
          This implementation of getComplement first checks to make sure that the locus is binary (i.e.
 boolean Expresser_.isComplementary(Locus locus, java.lang.String allele1, java.lang.String allele2)
          XXX Be careful -- this needs to be overridden for any meaningful result.

Uses of Locus in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics that implement Locus
 class Locus_
          Abstract class defining the base methods and fields for an implementer of Locus.
 class Locus_Random
          Lifespan: permanent.
 class Locus_Sex
          Lifespan: permanent.
 class Locus_Triversian
           Lifespan: permanent.

Fields in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics with type parameters of type Locus
protected  java.util.Map<Locus,Expresser> Genomic_.expressers

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics that return Locus
 Locus Gene_.getLocus()
 Locus Allele_.getLocus()
          Return the value of
 Locus Genomic_.getLocus(int n)
          method to step through each chromosome and get the nth locus relative to this genom object.
 Locus Chromosome_.getLocus(int index)
 Locus Locus_.getPolygenic()
 Locus Chromosome_Sex.getSexLocus()
protected  Locus Chromosome_.remove(int index)
          Actually remove a locus, even if it is the sex locus (unless this method is overridden by Chromosome_Sex.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics that return types with arguments of type Locus
 java.util.Map<Locus,Expresser> Genomic_.getExpressers()
          This is a bean property (not part of an interface).
 java.util.Collection<Locus> Chromosome_.getLoci()

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics with parameters of type Locus
protected  void Chromosome_.add(int index, Locus locus)
protected  boolean Chromosome_.add(Locus o)
 void Chromosome_.addLocus(int index, Locus locus)
          add locus and set the locus to point to this Chromosome as its owner.
 boolean Chromosome_.addLocus(Locus locus)
          Method to add a Locus at the end of this Genomic.
 Expresser Genomic_.getExpresser(Locus locus)
          Get the expresser for the specific locus.
static Gene GeneFactory.makeDiploid(Locus locus, java.lang.String allele1, java.lang.String allele2)
          Construct a new Gene_Diploid with the given allele indexes
static Gene GeneFactory.makeGene(java.lang.Class<? extends Gene> clazz, Locus locus, java.lang.Object... parameters)
static Gene GeneFactory.makeHaploid(Locus locus, java.lang.String allele)
 Expresser Genomic_.putExpresser(Locus locus, Expresser expresser)
          Register an expresser.
 void Gene_.setLocus(Locus locus)
 void Allele_.setLocus(Locus locus)
          Set the value of the locus for this Allele.
 void Locus_.setPolygenic(Locus locus)
          Bean method to set the next locus in a chain of polygenic loci.

Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics with type arguments of type Locus
protected  boolean Chromosome_.addAll(java.util.Collection<? extends Locus> loci)
 void Genomic_.setExpressers(java.util.Map<Locus,Expresser> expressers)
          Used by dependency injection: sets the expresser map.
 void Chromosome_.setLoci(java.util.Collection<Locus> loci)
          This is now the preferred method to set the loci.

Uses of Locus in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return Locus
 Locus Gene.getLocus()
 Locus Allele.getLocus()
 Locus Genomic.getLocus(int n)
 Locus Chromosome.getLocus(int index)
 Locus Locus.getPolygenic()

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return types with arguments of type Locus
 java.util.Collection<Locus> Chromosome.getLoci()
          Getter/setter typically used by reflection.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with parameters of type Locus
 void Chromosome.addLocus(int index, Locus locus)
          Method to add a Locus at the specified index.
 boolean Chromosome.addLocus(Locus locus)
          Method to add a Locus at the end of this Genomic.
 java.lang.String Expresser.getComplement(Locus locus, java.lang.String allele)
          Get the complementary allele key, such that Expresser.isComplementary(Locus, String, String) will be true.
 Expresser Genomic.getExpresser(Locus locus)
 boolean Expresser.isComplementary(Locus locus, java.lang.String allele1, java.lang.String allele2)
 Expresser Genomic.putExpresser(Locus locus, Expresser expresser)
          Method to register an implementer of Expresser for a specific Locus.
 void Gene.setLocus(Locus locus)
          Set the locus for this gene.
 void Allele.setLocus(Locus locus)

Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with type arguments of type Locus
 void Chromosome.setLoci(java.util.Collection<Locus> loci)
          This is now the preferred method to set the loci.

Uses of Locus in

Methods in that return Locus
 Locus Genomic_Sexual.getLocusSex()
          XXX consider reducing scope for this.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Locus
 java.util.Collection<Locus> Genomic_Asexual.getLoci()

Methods in with parameters of type Locus
 void Genomic_Asexual.addLocus(int index, Locus locus)
 boolean Genomic_Asexual.addLocus(Locus locus)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Locus
 void Genomic_Sexual.setExpressers(java.util.Map<Locus,Expresser> expressers)
          Reset the expresser map, but include the sex chromosome expresser.
 void Genomic_Asexual.setLoci(java.util.Collection<Locus> loci)

Uses of Locus in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth with parameters of type Locus
static Allele Mutator_PepperedMoth.makeAllele(Locus locus, boolean which)
          TODO consider copying from the existing set of alleles rather than creating new instances.

Uses of Locus in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that implement Locus
 class Locus_TS

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman with parameters of type Locus
 java.lang.String Expresser_TS.getComplement(Locus locus, java.lang.String allele)
          In this implementation, if the locus is a swap, then we simply return the allele passed in because two identical swaps are complementary.
 boolean Expresser_TS.isComplementary(Locus locus, java.lang.String allele1, java.lang.String allele2)
          In this implementation of isComplementary, there are two situations: swap or rotate.

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