Class ApplicationDefinitions

  extended by com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth.ApplicationDefinitions_
      extended by com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth.ApplicationDefinitions

public final class ApplicationDefinitions
extends ApplicationDefinitions_

TODO eliminate this class.

This class defines an evolutionary process for a Darwinian System, namely the evolution of the peppered moth. This example does not pretend to be the last word (or even the first) on actual peppered moths. It is just a (toy) sample application whose raison d'etre is documentation and exemplification. Serious applications would be found in the Evolutions subdirectory (parallel to the Darwin subdirectory).

The details of the simulation are as follows:

Note that all the fields and methods of this class are static.

$Revision: 1.31 $
Robin Hillyard

Field Summary
static java.lang.String[] $Colors
          TODO replace this usage by reference to the WingColor enum.
Fields inherited from class com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth.ApplicationDefinitions_
$IdealPopulationDefault, $SeedPopulationDefault, $SeedPopulationRatio
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth.ApplicationDefinitions_
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String[] $Colors
TODO replace this usage by reference to the WingColor enum. An array of four colors: white, typica (light grey), carbonaria (dark grey), black

Constructor Detail


public ApplicationDefinitions()

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