Packages that use Lek | |
com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper | Darwin |
com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world | Darwin |
Uses of Lek in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return Lek | |
Lek |
MateChoice.getLek(Colony colony)
Method to get a "lek", that is to say a population of breeding males. |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with parameters of type Lek | |
Organism |
MateChoice.chooseMate(Organism female,
Lek lek)
Choose the best (male) mate for the given female , from among
all of the organisms at the lek . |
Mating |
Organism.createPairBond(MateChoice chooser,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
Mating |
MateChoice.createPairBond(Organism female,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
First, we call MateChoice.pairUp(Organism, Lek) for the
female , lek and the appropriate genomic. |
java.util.Collection<Mating> |
MateChoice.findPairs(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
Method to enumerate a set of mating pairs: females from this Colony and males from either the lek or the alternativeLek
. |
Mating |
MateChoice.pairUp(Organism female,
Lek lek)
Method to create a Mating object based on the female given and a
male chosen from the lek. |
Uses of Lek in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world that return Lek | |
Lek |
MateChoice_.getLek(Colony colony)
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world with parameters of type Lek | |
Organism |
MateChoice_.chooseMate(Organism female,
Lek lek)
Choose the best (male) mate for the given female , from among
all of the organisms at the lek . |
Mating |
Organism_Sexual.createPairBond(MateChoice chooser,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
If this object is a female and viable, create a pair bond from either population or alternativePopulation. |
Mating |
Organism_Asexual.createPairBond(MateChoice chooser,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
Mating |
MateChoice_.createPairBond(Organism female,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
First, we call MateChoice.pairUp(Organism, Lek) for the
female , lek and the appropriate genomic. |
java.util.Collection<Mating> |
MateChoice_.findPairs(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
Method to enumerate a set of mating pairs: females from the given set of organisms and males from either the lek or the
alternativeLek . |
Mating |
MateChoice_.pairUp(Organism female,
Lek lek)