Uses of Class

Packages that use Lek




Uses of Lek in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return Lek
 Lek MateChoice.getLek(Colony colony)
          Method to get a "lek", that is to say a population of breeding males.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with parameters of type Lek
 Organism MateChoice.chooseMate(Organism female, Lek lek)
          Choose the best (male) mate for the given female, from among all of the organisms at the lek.
 Mating Organism.createPairBond(MateChoice chooser, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
 Mating MateChoice.createPairBond(Organism female, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
          First, we call MateChoice.pairUp(Organism, Lek) for the female, lek and the appropriate genomic.
 java.util.Collection<Mating> MateChoice.findPairs(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
          Method to enumerate a set of mating pairs: females from this Colony and males from either the lek or the alternativeLek .
 Mating MateChoice.pairUp(Organism female, Lek lek)
          Method to create a Mating object based on the female given and a male chosen from the lek.

Uses of Lek in

Methods in that return Lek
 Lek MateChoice_.getLek(Colony colony)

Methods in with parameters of type Lek
 Organism MateChoice_.chooseMate(Organism female, Lek lek)
          Choose the best (male) mate for the given female, from among all of the organisms at the lek.
 Mating Organism_Sexual.createPairBond(MateChoice chooser, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
          If this object is a female and viable, create a pair bond from either population or alternativePopulation.
 Mating Organism_Asexual.createPairBond(MateChoice chooser, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
 Mating MateChoice_.createPairBond(Organism female, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
          First, we call MateChoice.pairUp(Organism, Lek) for the female, lek and the appropriate genomic.
 java.util.Collection<Mating> MateChoice_.findPairs(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
          Method to enumerate a set of mating pairs: females from the given set of organisms and males from either the lek or the alternativeLek .
 Mating MateChoice_.pairUp(Organism female, Lek lek)

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