Interface Managed

All Known Implementing Classes:
Population_Managed, Population_TS

public interface Managed

Interface to define the operations on a Population where after stabilizing on a best (fittest) solution, we update the environment, kill off the colonies other than the one containing the best organism, create daughter colonies, each of which has a differently modified environment based on the original environment. Typically, but not required, a Managed population also can influence its environment(s) via the extended phenotypes of organisms, much like a beaver does with its dams (or we humans do with just about everything).

Robin Hillyard

Method Summary
 boolean updateEnvironmentAndColonies(Colony founderColony, java.lang.Object source)
          This method is responsible for updating the environment (from the given source) for the given colony in such a way that variations of the update are applied to a number of new daughter colonies.

Method Detail


boolean updateEnvironmentAndColonies(Colony founderColony,
                                     java.lang.Object source)
This method is responsible for updating the environment (from the given source) for the given colony in such a way that variations of the update are applied to a number of new daughter colonies. Additionally, any other colonies belonging to this population are eliminated.

founderColony - XXX
source - the source from which the environment will be updated when appropriate.
true if the environment was actually updated and at least one new colony was created.

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