Uses of Interface

Packages that use Organism






Peppered Moth Example 


Traveling Salesman Example 


Uses of Organism in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics with parameters of type Organism
static Mating MatingFactory.makeHaldanian(Genomic genomic, Organism female, Organism male, org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomGenerator random)

Uses of Organism in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return Organism
 Organism MateChoice.chooseMate(Organism female, Lek lek)
          Choose the best (male) mate for the given female, from among all of the organisms at the lek.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return types with arguments of type Organism
 java.util.Collection<Organism> Organism.getAsexualProgeny(int howMany)
 java.util.Collection<Organism> Colony.getOrganisms()

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with parameters of type Organism
 boolean Colony.addOrganism(Organism organism)
 Organism MateChoice.chooseMate(Organism female, Lek lek)
          Choose the best (male) mate for the given female, from among all of the organisms at the lek.
 Mate Organism.createMate(MateChoice chooser, Organism female)
          Create a Mate object based on this (male) organism and its desirability to the given female.
 Mating MateChoice.createPairBond(Organism female, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
          First, we call MateChoice.pairUp(Organism, Lek) for the female, lek and the appropriate genomic.
 double MateChoice.getDesirabilityIndex(Organism female, Organism male)
          Method to determine the desirability of a given male in the eyes, etc.
 void Colony.normalizeGenomes(Organism bestOrganism)
 Mating MateChoice.pairUp(Organism female, Lek lek)
          Method to create a Mating object based on the female given and a male chosen from the lek.

Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with type arguments of type Organism
 java.util.Collection<Mating> MateChoice.findPairs(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
          Method to enumerate a set of mating pairs: females from this Colony and males from either the lek or the alternativeLek .
 void Registry.registerBirths(Colony colony, java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
          TODO consider changing parameter to Colony
 void Registry.registerDeaths(Colony colony, java.util.Collection<Organism> deaths)

Uses of Organism in

Classes in that implement Organism
 class Organism_
          Abstract class defining the base methods and fields of an implementation of Organism interface.
 class Organism_Asexual
           This concrete class represents an individual organism within a Taxon .
 class Organism_Sexual
           This concrete class represents an individual organism within a Taxon .

Fields in with type parameters of type Organism
protected  java.util.List<Organism> Colony_._organisms
          collection of organisms in this population.

Methods in that return Organism
 Organism MateChoice_.chooseMate(Organism female, Lek lek)
          Choose the best (male) mate for the given female, from among all of the organisms at the lek.
 Organism Mate.getMale()
static Organism OrganismFactory.makeOrganism(java.lang.Class<? extends Organism> clazz, Nuclear nuclear, Population population, java.lang.String identifier)
static Organism OrganismFactory.makeOrganism(Nuclear nuclear, Colony colony, java.lang.String identifier)
          Factory method for a new Organism.
static Organism Organism_Asexual.makeProgeny(java.lang.String identifier, Colony colony, Genome genome)
 Organism Organism_Asexual.reproduce(java.lang.String identifier, Genomic genomic)
 Organism Asexual.reproduce(java.lang.String identifier, Genomic genomic)
          Method to perform asexual reproduction.
static Organism Organism_Sexual.seed(Colony colony)
          Class method to create a new Organism_Sexual without parents (for seeding a population).
static Organism Organism_Asexual.seed(Colony colony)
          Class method to create a new Organism without parents (for seeding a population).
protected abstract  Organism Population_Managed.seedOrganism(Colony colony, int i)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Organism
 java.util.Collection<Organism> Organism_Sexual.getAsexualProgeny(int howMany)
          This implementation of the method yields no progeny because we normally expect sexual organisms to reproduce only sexually.
 java.util.Collection<Organism> Organism_Asexual.getAsexualProgeny(int howMany)
 java.util.Collection<Organism> Colony_.getOrganisms()

Methods in with parameters of type Organism
 boolean Colony_.addOrganism(Organism organism)
          Note that this method does NOT invoke the populationChanged() method.
 Organism MateChoice_.chooseMate(Organism female, Lek lek)
          Choose the best (male) mate for the given female, from among all of the organisms at the lek.
 Mate Organism_Sexual.createMate(MateChoice chooser, Organism female)
          Create a Mate object based on this Organism [provided that this is male] and the given female.
 Mate Organism_Asexual.createMate(MateChoice chooser, Organism female)
static Mate Mate.createMate(Organism male, double desirability)
          Factory method to create a new Mate object based on the given male Organism and his desirability.
 Mating MateChoice_.createPairBond(Organism female, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
          First, we call MateChoice.pairUp(Organism, Lek) for the female, lek and the appropriate genomic.
protected  double MateChoice_.getAttraction(Organism female, Organism male)
protected  double MateChoice_Wrightian.getDesirability(Organism male)
protected  double MateChoice_Evaluator.getDesirability(Organism male)
          This implementation returns a value which is: d * g * h where d is the value of the desirability index defined by the superclass (see MateChoice_.getDesirabilityIndex(Organism, Organism) ; and g is one more than the age of the candidate male; TODO consider a different mechanism here: instead of passing in a random number to the desirability formula, we should divide the random space into several bands (or tranches), using Randomizer, and then cache the various desirability values for age/viability/tranche.
protected  double MateChoice_.getDesirability(Organism male)
 double MateChoice_.getDesirabilityIndex(Organism female, Organism male)
          Method to determine the desirability of a given male in the eyes, etc.
protected  boolean Best_Organism.isUnique(Organism candidate)
protected abstract  void Population_Managed.logBestFitness(Organism organism, Phenotype phenotype)
 void Colony_.normalizeGenomes(Organism bestOrganism)
 void Population_Managed.ProcessBestInEnvironment.onUpdate(Organism object)
          Callback method (see above).
 Mating MateChoice_.pairUp(Organism female, Lek lek)
 boolean Viability.resetViability(Organism organism)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Organism
 java.util.Collection<Mating> MateChoice_.findPairs(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms, Lek lek, Lek alternativeLek)
          Method to enumerate a set of mating pairs: females from the given set of organisms and males from either the lek or the alternativeLek .
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Integer> Registry_.getOrganismFrequencyMap(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms)
          TODO consider using FrequencyMap instead
static Organism OrganismFactory.makeOrganism(java.lang.Class<? extends Organism> clazz, Nuclear nuclear, Population population, java.lang.String identifier)
protected  boolean Population_Managed.processBestFit(ProcessBest<Organism> bestOfGenerationProcessor)
          TODO this needs to be rewritten.
 void Taxon_.registerBirths(Colony colony, java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
 void Registry_.registerBirths(Colony colony, java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
          Do nothing
 void Taxon_.registerDeaths(Colony colony, java.util.Collection<Organism> deaths)
 void Registry_.registerDeaths(Colony colony, java.util.Collection<Organism> deaths)
          Do nothing

Constructors in with parameters of type Organism
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier, Organism best, int generation, int convergence)
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier, Organism best, int generation, ProcessBest<Organism> processor, int convergence)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Organism
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier, int generation, java.util.Collection<Organism> candidates, ProcessBest<Organism> processor)
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier, int generation, java.util.Collection<Organism> candidates, ProcessBest<Organism> processor)
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier, int generation, ProcessBest<Organism> processor, int convergence)
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier, Organism best, int generation, ProcessBest<Organism> processor, int convergence)
Lek(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms, org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomGenerator random, double sampleFraction, Colony colony)

Uses of Organism in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth with parameters of type Organism
static WingColor VisualizationFactory_PepperedMoth.getWingColor(Organism organism)
          TODO Consider moving this somewhere else.

Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth with type arguments of type Organism
 void Registry_PepperedMoth.registerBirths(Colony colony, java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
          Note the births

Uses of Organism in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that implement Organism
 class Organism_TS

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that return Organism
static Organism Organism_TS.createOrganism(int i, Colony colony)
          Method to create a new organism by seeding.
protected  Organism Population_TS.seedOrganism(Colony colony, int i)

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman with parameters of type Organism
protected  void Population_TS.logBestFitness(Organism organism, Phenotype phenotype)

Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman with type arguments of type Organism
 void Registry_TS.registerBirths(Colony colony, java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
          Note the births

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