Packages that use Organism | |
com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics | Genetics |
com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper | Darwin |
com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world | Darwin |
com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth | Peppered Moth Example |
com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman | Traveling Salesman Example |
Uses of Organism in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics with parameters of type Organism | |
static Mating |
MatingFactory.makeHaldanian(Genomic genomic,
Organism female,
Organism male,
org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomGenerator random)
Uses of Organism in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return Organism | |
Organism |
MateChoice.chooseMate(Organism female,
Lek lek)
Choose the best (male) mate for the given female , from among
all of the organisms at the lek . |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return types with arguments of type Organism | |
java.util.Collection<Organism> |
Organism.getAsexualProgeny(int howMany)
java.util.Collection<Organism> |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with parameters of type Organism | |
boolean |
Colony.addOrganism(Organism organism)
Organism |
MateChoice.chooseMate(Organism female,
Lek lek)
Choose the best (male) mate for the given female , from among
all of the organisms at the lek . |
Mate |
Organism.createMate(MateChoice chooser,
Organism female)
Create a Mate object based on this (male) organism and its
desirability to the given female . |
Mating |
MateChoice.createPairBond(Organism female,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
First, we call MateChoice.pairUp(Organism, Lek) for the
female , lek and the appropriate genomic. |
double |
MateChoice.getDesirabilityIndex(Organism female,
Organism male)
Method to determine the desirability of a given male in the eyes, etc. |
void |
Colony.normalizeGenomes(Organism bestOrganism)
Mating |
MateChoice.pairUp(Organism female,
Lek lek)
Method to create a Mating object based on the female given and a
male chosen from the lek. |
Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with type arguments of type Organism | |
java.util.Collection<Mating> |
MateChoice.findPairs(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
Method to enumerate a set of mating pairs: females from this Colony and males from either the lek or the alternativeLek
. |
void |
Registry.registerBirths(Colony colony,
java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
TODO consider changing parameter to Colony |
void |
Registry.registerDeaths(Colony colony,
java.util.Collection<Organism> deaths)
Uses of Organism in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world |
Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world that implement Organism | |
class |
Abstract class defining the base methods and fields of an implementation of Organism interface. |
class |
This concrete class represents an individual organism within a Taxon . |
class |
This concrete class represents an individual organism within a Taxon . |
Fields in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world with type parameters of type Organism | |
protected java.util.List<Organism> |
collection of organisms in this population. |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world that return Organism | |
Organism |
MateChoice_.chooseMate(Organism female,
Lek lek)
Choose the best (male) mate for the given female , from among
all of the organisms at the lek . |
Organism |
static Organism |
OrganismFactory.makeOrganism(java.lang.Class<? extends Organism> clazz,
Nuclear nuclear,
Population population,
java.lang.String identifier)
static Organism |
OrganismFactory.makeOrganism(Nuclear nuclear,
Colony colony,
java.lang.String identifier)
Factory method for a new Organism. |
static Organism |
Organism_Asexual.makeProgeny(java.lang.String identifier,
Colony colony,
Genome genome)
Organism |
Organism_Asexual.reproduce(java.lang.String identifier,
Genomic genomic)
Organism |
Asexual.reproduce(java.lang.String identifier,
Genomic genomic)
Method to perform asexual reproduction. |
static Organism |
Organism_Sexual.seed(Colony colony)
Class method to create a new Organism_Sexual without parents (for seeding a population). |
static Organism |
Organism_Asexual.seed(Colony colony)
Class method to create a new Organism without parents (for seeding a population). |
protected abstract Organism |
Population_Managed.seedOrganism(Colony colony,
int i)
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world that return types with arguments of type Organism | |
java.util.Collection<Organism> |
Organism_Sexual.getAsexualProgeny(int howMany)
This implementation of the method yields no progeny because we normally expect sexual organisms to reproduce only sexually. |
java.util.Collection<Organism> |
Organism_Asexual.getAsexualProgeny(int howMany)
java.util.Collection<Organism> |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world with parameters of type Organism | |
boolean |
Colony_.addOrganism(Organism organism)
Note that this method does NOT invoke the populationChanged() method. |
Organism |
MateChoice_.chooseMate(Organism female,
Lek lek)
Choose the best (male) mate for the given female , from among
all of the organisms at the lek . |
Mate |
Organism_Sexual.createMate(MateChoice chooser,
Organism female)
Create a Mate object based on this Organism [provided
that this is male] and the given female. |
Mate |
Organism_Asexual.createMate(MateChoice chooser,
Organism female)
static Mate |
Mate.createMate(Organism male,
double desirability)
Factory method to create a new Mate object based on the given
male Organism and his desirability . |
Mating |
MateChoice_.createPairBond(Organism female,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
First, we call MateChoice.pairUp(Organism, Lek) for the
female , lek and the appropriate genomic. |
protected double |
MateChoice_.getAttraction(Organism female,
Organism male)
protected double |
MateChoice_Wrightian.getDesirability(Organism male)
protected double |
MateChoice_Evaluator.getDesirability(Organism male)
This implementation returns a value which is: d * g * h
where d is the value of the desirability index defined by the superclass
(see MateChoice_.getDesirabilityIndex(Organism, Organism) ; and g
is one more than the age of the candidate male;
TODO consider a different mechanism here: instead of passing in a random
number to the desirability formula, we should divide the random space
into several bands (or tranches), using Randomizer , and then
cache the various desirability values for age/viability/tranche. |
protected double |
MateChoice_.getDesirability(Organism male)
double |
MateChoice_.getDesirabilityIndex(Organism female,
Organism male)
Method to determine the desirability of a given male in the eyes, etc. |
protected boolean |
Best_Organism.isUnique(Organism candidate)
protected abstract void |
Population_Managed.logBestFitness(Organism organism,
Phenotype phenotype)
void |
Colony_.normalizeGenomes(Organism bestOrganism)
void |
Population_Managed.ProcessBestInEnvironment.onUpdate(Organism object)
Callback method (see above). |
Mating |
MateChoice_.pairUp(Organism female,
Lek lek)
boolean |
Viability.resetViability(Organism organism)
Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world with type arguments of type Organism | |
java.util.Collection<Mating> |
MateChoice_.findPairs(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms,
Lek lek,
Lek alternativeLek)
Method to enumerate a set of mating pairs: females from the given set of organisms and males from either the lek or the
alternativeLek . |
protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Integer> |
Registry_.getOrganismFrequencyMap(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms)
TODO consider using FrequencyMap instead |
static Organism |
OrganismFactory.makeOrganism(java.lang.Class<? extends Organism> clazz,
Nuclear nuclear,
Population population,
java.lang.String identifier)
protected boolean |
Population_Managed.processBestFit(ProcessBest<Organism> bestOfGenerationProcessor)
TODO this needs to be rewritten. |
void |
Taxon_.registerBirths(Colony colony,
java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
void |
Registry_.registerBirths(Colony colony,
java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
Do nothing |
void |
Taxon_.registerDeaths(Colony colony,
java.util.Collection<Organism> deaths)
void |
Registry_.registerDeaths(Colony colony,
java.util.Collection<Organism> deaths)
Do nothing |
Constructors in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world with parameters of type Organism | |
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier,
Organism best,
int generation,
int convergence)
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier,
Organism best,
int generation,
ProcessBest<Organism> processor,
int convergence)
Constructor parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.world with type arguments of type Organism | |
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier,
int generation,
java.util.Collection<Organism> candidates,
ProcessBest<Organism> processor)
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier,
int generation,
java.util.Collection<Organism> candidates,
ProcessBest<Organism> processor)
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier,
int generation,
ProcessBest<Organism> processor,
int convergence)
Best_Organism(java.lang.String identifier,
Organism best,
int generation,
ProcessBest<Organism> processor,
int convergence)
Lek(java.util.Collection<Organism> organisms,
org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomGenerator random,
double sampleFraction,
Colony colony)
Uses of Organism in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth with parameters of type Organism | |
static WingColor |
VisualizationFactory_PepperedMoth.getWingColor(Organism organism)
TODO Consider moving this somewhere else. |
Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth with type arguments of type Organism | |
void |
Registry_PepperedMoth.registerBirths(Colony colony,
java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
Note the births |
Uses of Organism in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman |
Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that implement Organism | |
class |
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that return Organism | |
static Organism |
Organism_TS.createOrganism(int i,
Colony colony)
Method to create a new organism by seeding. |
protected Organism |
Population_TS.seedOrganism(Colony colony,
int i)
Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman with parameters of type Organism | |
protected void |
Population_TS.logBestFitness(Organism organism,
Phenotype phenotype)
Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman with type arguments of type Organism | |
void |
Registry_TS.registerBirths(Colony colony,
java.util.Collection<Organism> neonates)
Note the births |