Uses of Interface

Packages that use Allele






Peppered Moth Example 


Traveling Salesman Example 


Uses of Allele in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.environment with parameters of type Allele
 java.lang.Object allele)
          Express the given allele in a non-Mendelian manner.

Uses of Allele in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics that implement Allele
 class Allele_
           This abstract provides base operations for implementations of Allele, which are specific, competing genes which may appear at a Locus.
 class Allele_Binary
          Abstract type of allele which has two values, based on a boolean.
 class Allele_Dominance
          Lifespan: permanent.
 class Allele_Sex
          Unlike Allele_Dominance, which uses upper and lower case to denote dominance, the two different alleles of the Allele_Sex type are "Y" and "X" for male and female, respectively.

Fields in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics declared as Allele
static Allele Allele_Sex.X
static Allele Allele_Sex.Y

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics that return Allele
 Allele Gene_.getAllele(int index)
 Allele Locus_.getAllele(java.lang.String key)
static Allele AlleleFactory.makeAllele(java.lang.Class<? extends Allele> clazz, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
static Allele AlleleFactory.makeDominanceAllele(java.lang.String identifier, boolean dominant)
          Construct a new Allele_Dominance with the given allele indexes TEST
static Allele AlleleFactory.makeSexAllele(boolean male)
 Allele Mutator_Random.mutate(Allele allele)
 Allele Mutator_.mutate(Allele allele)
          By default, the allele is returned unchanged.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics that return types with arguments of type Allele
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Allele> Locus_.getAlleleMap()
 java.util.Map<Allele,java.lang.Integer> Locus_.getAlleles()
          TODO reduce to default scope.
 java.util.Collection<Allele> Locus_.getAlleleValues()

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics with parameters of type Allele
 java.lang.String Locus_Random.add(Allele allele, int frequency)
          This is used only when a mutation occurs.
 java.lang.String Locus_.addAllele(Allele allele)
          Incrementally add the given allele to this Locus.
protected static void Mutator_.addToLocusIfUnknown(Allele allele)
 java.lang.String Locus_.getKey(Allele allele)
 Allele Mutator_Random.mutate(Allele allele)
 Allele Mutator_.mutate(Allele allele)
          By default, the allele is returned unchanged.
 java.lang.String Locus_.putAllele(Allele allele, int frequency)

Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.genetics with type arguments of type Allele
 void Genotype_.doCensus(FrequencyMap<Allele> alleleFrequencies)
static Allele AlleleFactory.makeAllele(java.lang.Class<? extends Allele> clazz, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
 void Locus_Random.setAlleles(java.util.Map<? extends Allele,java.lang.Integer> map)
 void Locus_.setAlleles(java.util.Map<? extends Allele,java.lang.Integer> map)
          Preferred method of setting up the allele/frequency map (rather than using add()).

Uses of Allele in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return Allele
 Allele Gene.getAllele(int index)
          Accessor method to return the indexth allele for this gene.
 Allele Locus.getAllele(java.lang.String key)
 Allele Mutator.mutate(Allele allele)
          Method to take an allele and mutate it.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that return types with arguments of type Allele
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Allele> Locus.getAlleleMap()
 java.util.Collection<Allele> Locus.getAlleleValues()

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with parameters of type Allele
 java.lang.String Locus.add(Allele allele, int frequency)
          Method to add an allele to this locus.
 java.lang.String Locus.addAllele(Allele allele)
          Method to add an allele to this locus.
 java.lang.String Locus.getKey(Allele allele)
 Allele Mutator.mutate(Allele allele)
          Method to take an allele and mutate it.

Method parameters in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper with type arguments of type Allele
 void Genotype.doCensus(FrequencyMap<Allele> alleleFrequencies)

Uses of Allele in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Allele
 FrequencyMap<Allele> OrganismCensusContext.getAlleleFrequencies()

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Allele
OrganismCensusContext(Pharacter character, FrequencyMap<Allele> alleleFrequencies, NumericFrequencyMap ageFrequencies, FrequencyMap<java.lang.String> sexFrequencies, FrequencyMap<Trait> traitFrequencies)

Uses of Allele in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth that return Allele
static Allele Mutator_PepperedMoth.makeAllele(Locus locus, boolean which)
          TODO consider copying from the existing set of alleles rather than creating new instances.
 Allele Mutator_PepperedMoth.mutate(Allele allele)
          If we get index 1 from the randomizer, we flip the type of allele.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth with parameters of type Allele
 Allele Mutator_PepperedMoth.mutate(Allele allele)
          If we get index 1 from the randomizer, we flip the type of allele.

Uses of Allele in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman

Classes in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that implement Allele
 class Allele_Number
          This class is at the heart of the solution to the traveling salesman problem.

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that return Allele
static Allele Allele_Number.makeNumberAllele(java.lang.String type, int value)
 Allele Mutator_TS.mutate(Allele allele)

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman with parameters of type Allele
 Allele Mutator_TS.mutate(Allele allele)

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