Uses of Class

Packages that use FitnessException






Peppered Moth Example 


Traveling Salesman Example 


Uses of FitnessException in

Methods in that throw FitnessException
protected  double Fitness_.calculateFitness(double t, double f, java.lang.String keyT, java.lang.String keyF)
          Calculate and return the value of the probability density function corresponding to the variate value t * sT of a continuous distribution with mean: f * sF and standard deviation: the value of Fitness_.bandwidth(String).
 double FitnessEngine_.calculateFitness(Phenotype phenotype, Environment environment)
          The base implementation of this method (which should normally be appropriate for all usage) simply goes through all possible pairings of trait/ecofactor (the traits belonging to the phenotype and the ecofactors belonging to the environment) and calculates the weighted product of all fitnesses.
 double FitnessFunction_.getFitness(double value, double target, double factor)
          Get the fitness based on the value (usually from one of the traits of a phenotype), the target (usually a value from an eco factor in the environment), and the shape factor (usually determined by the application).
 double Fitness_Hamiltonian.getFitness(Trait trait, EcoFactor factor)

Uses of FitnessException in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.domain.helper that throw FitnessException
 double FitnessEngine.calculateFitness(Phenotype phenotype, Environment environment)
 double FitnessFunction.getFitness(double value, double target, double factor)
 java.lang.Number Organism.getFitness(FitnessEngine fitnessEngine)
 double Fitness.getFitness(Trait trait, EcoFactor factor)
 double Colony.grantPardons(double fittestOriginal, int pardonsPerColony)
 void Colony.markDeadOrganisms(Viability viability)
 boolean Organism.setViability(Viability viability)
 void Colony.thin(int thinFactor)
          Thin (decimate) the organisms of this colony by a factor of thinFactor.

Uses of FitnessException in

Methods in that throw FitnessException
 java.lang.Number Organism_.getFitness(FitnessEngine fitnessEngine)
 double Colony_.grantPardons(double fittestOriginal, int pardonsPerColony)
 void Colony_.markDeadOrganisms(Viability viability)
protected  void Colony_.neonatalCare()
          Register all births with the Registry (if any); Mark dead organisms (with true parameter).
 boolean Viability.resetViability(Organism organism)
 boolean Organism_.setViability(Viability viability)
 void Colony_.thin(int thinFactor)
protected  void Population_Managed.thinColonies(int thinFactor)
          Reduce the population of each colony of this population by the thinFactor.

Uses of FitnessException in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.pepperedmoth that throw FitnessException
 double WcSdFitness.getFitness(Trait trait, EcoFactor factor)

Uses of FitnessException in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman

Methods in com.rubecula.darwin.examples.travelingsalesman that throw FitnessException
protected  double RouteFitness.calculateFitness(double travelTime, double radius, java.lang.String traitId, java.lang.String factorId)
          Calculate fitness according to the pseudo-Poisson distribution function.
 double RouteFitness.getFitness(Trait trait, EcoFactor factor)
          Calculate the fitness for the trait and the factor.

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