Interface Censusible

All Known Subinterfaces:
Allele, Colony, EcoFactor, Environment, Gene, Genome, Genotype, Nuclear, Organism, Phenotype, Population, Taxon, Trait, TraitMap, Visualizable
All Known Implementing Classes:
Allele_, Allele_Binary, Allele_Dominance, Allele_Number, Allele_Sex, Colony_, Colony_Mayrian, EcoFactor_, EcoFactor_Clients, EcoFactor_Humboldtian, EcoFactor_Number, EcoFactor_SootDensity, EcoFactor_TravelTimes, EcoFactor_TS, Environment_, Environment_Muirian, Environment_PepperedMoth, Environment_Susceptible, Environment_TS, Gene_, Gene_Diploid, Gene_Haploid, Genome_, Genome_Linear, Genotype_, Nuclear_, Nuclear_Clone, Nuclear_Zygote, Organism_, Organism_Asexual, Organism_Sexual, Organism_TS, Phenotype_, Phenotype_Dawkinsian, Phenotype_TS, Population_, Population_Malthusian, Population_Managed, Population_TS, Taxon_, Taxon_Darwinian, Trait_, Trait_Discrete, Trait_Variable, TraitMap_, TraitMap_ReadOnly

public interface Censusible

This interface defines the census operation. Such object maybe censused by a Census object.

Robin Hillyard

Method Summary
 boolean censusMe(Census census, java.lang.Object context)
          Method to census this object.
 java.util.Collection<? extends Censusible> getCensusibleChildren()
          Method to return a list of censusible children of this object.

Method Detail


boolean censusMe(Census census,
                 java.lang.Object context)
Method to census this object.

census - the census object which will present the results of taking this census
context - an arbitrary object which can be used by the census object to provide appropriate context for this object.
true if we should continue censusing this object at deeper levels. If the result is false, then we do not call getCensusibleChildren().


java.util.Collection<? extends Censusible> getCensusibleChildren()
Method to return a list of censusible children of this object.

either null or an ArrayList of censusible objects.

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