Darwin 2 Documentation Index

This file is the index to the various pieces of documentation for the Darwin 2 framework. Please see the following documents for more information on the given aspects of the framework:

The first place to look for information on Darwin 2.
A general description of the project, its modeling capabilities, etc.
Release Notes Wiki
Release Notes for each of the various recent released versions.
Darwin 2 Summary
A summary of the changes between Darwin and Darwin 2.
Mendel's Peas Configuration File
An annotated version of the model-related configuration file for the out-of-the-box application.
Configuration File (Out of the box)
An annotated version of the top-level configuration file for the out-of-the-box application.
Configuration File (Peppered Moth)
An annotated version of the top-level configuration file for the peppered moth applet.
News releases

Additionally, information about specific classes, interfaces, etc. can be found in the API